Doppelherz Calorie Blocker 2 in 1 for the treatment and prevention of overweight and obesity.
Our body obtains its energy or calories primarily from the fats, carbohydrates and proteins contained in food. How many calories a person needs in everyday life depends on many factors. However, if the body is supplied with more energy than it can utilize, it stores it in the form of body fat in the fat deposits. The result can be weight gain and even obesity.
How does Doppelherz Calorie Blocker 2 in 1 work?
Doppelherz Calorie Blocker 2 in 1 supports a reduced calorie intake from food with the help of two active ingredients, OMTEC 50 (from natural fibre) and OMTEC XS (from the white bean).
Both substances together form a gel-like substance in the stomach that mixes with the food. During this process, fats and carbohydrates are removed from the food and bound in insoluble form. The bound fats, carbohydrates and sugars therefore do not enter the metabolic cycle but are excreted undigested. OMTEC 50 has a high lipid binding capacity and helps to reduce calorie intake from fatty foods. OMTEC XS inhibits the starch-splitting enzyme alpha-amylase produced in the pancreas. This interrupts the process of carbohydrate digestion.
Doppelherz Calorie Blocker 2 in 1 supports a weight-reducing diet or can be used for weight control in combination with a calorie-conscious diet. The tablets are intended to be taken orally. The recommended dose is 2 tablets three times a day, taken one hour before each meal with at least one glass (250 ml) of water.
Conscious nutrition and sufficient exercise In addition to a moderate intake of fats and carbohydrates, a conscious diet also includes sufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals. Physical activity also increases calorie consumption and reduces fat deposits.
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